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Project SARAH

After an unwanted sexual experience, you may experience symptoms of anxiety, fear, sadness, increased alcohol use, or other difficulties with participating in life the way you used to before the event.  

Project SARAH is a University of Washington research study conducted through the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences and the Department of Psychology. This study is being conducted in collaboration with Stanford University. We are offering free, online short-term treatment. You may earn up to $277 for participating. 

For female-identifying individuals who are experiencing distress and increased alcohol use at least 1 month and up to 1 year after an unwanted sexual experience.

Project SARAH aims to help sexual assault survivors who are experiencing ongoing distress after a recent sexual assault. This research study provides therapy to reduce trauma related symptoms such as nightmares or increased drinking. The study is designed to help us understand the types of treatment that are most effective in helping survivors recover. 

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